

公示公告 新闻动态 年度报告 年检报告 出版物展示


发布时间:2021 / 02 / 25


▲ 联合国秘书长古特雷斯在线上会议上讲话



▲ 联合国环境规划署执行主任英格·安德森在线上会议上讲话

联合国环境规划署执行主任英格·安德森(Inger Andersen)表示,当前全球面临三大危机,即气候危机、生物多样性和自然危机以及污染和废物危机。她说,必须让企业、投资者和环保业内人士承诺,使2021年成为我们与自然和平相处的一年。这意味着要支持绿色复苏,以摆脱新冠疫情的影响;也意味着要让更多国家为《巴黎协议》作出更有力的贡献;还意味着我们要加紧行动,加强全球团结,使我们能够在这些承诺的基础上再接再厉。

▲ 中国生态环境部部长黄润秋在线上会议上讲话


▲ 阿拉善SEE生态协会会长孙莉莉在线上会议上讲话
















Ms. SUN Lili’s Speech in the Leadership Dialogue A
(Run parallel with the Chinese version)

Distinguished delegates:

I am delighted to participate in this dialogue on behalf of Society of Entrepreneurs and Ecology (abbreviated as SEE).

SEE is the largest platform for Chinese entrepreneurs to participate in environmental protection. More than 900 business leaders joined the course via voluntary industry environmental actions and philanthropic donations. We have supported more than 700 environmental NGOs and attracted 600 million person-time involved in different environmental actions in China.

The immediate post-pandemic period is a time for healing. Whereas the route to a full recovery is filled up with uncertainty. It is astute to deliberately set pragmatic environmental goals for a foreseeable future. Over the past decade, none of the 20 Aichi targets of biodiversity have been fully met. So we have to balance our environmental ambition with reality.

The first part of my talk is about the outlook of global consumption and production.

The prominent two drivers for industry’s green transition are the market demands and the mode of production. I anticipate the pandemic will have a short-lived impact on the conventional consumer demands. It will take longer and dragging efforts to achieve transformative changes in consumption.

On the other hand, technological innovations, like renewable energy and Information and Communication Technology, has brought opportunities for the greening of production processes. The enhanced supply chain management and the reshuffle of global value chain, enabled SEE to set green standards and practice green procurement in China's building and construction sector. By forcing thousands of upstream suppliers to improve their environmental performances, the annual green procurement volume has reached $1.5 billion in 2020.

Beyond voluntary actions, the public policy plays a crucial role in guiding and regulating enterprise’s behavior. Sound fiscal and financial policies combined with proper incentive measures will accelerate the green transformation of enterprises, who may otherwise be boggled at trade-offs between cost and social impacts.

However, individual business’s impact on environment is limited. Therefore, SEE, as a network of enterprises, provides a new way for the engagement of multiple industries, especially for small and medium sized enterprises. SEE has joined a number of alliances, including the Business for Nature, to encourage our member companies to make conservation commitments and take actions.

Distinguished delegates, it is our earnest intention to call on environmental political leaders around the world, to seize the opportunity to act now in the following five areas:
1. To value ecosystem services and natural capital when formulating economic policies.
2. To strengthen international and domestic rule of law on environment, with unhindered law enforcement and independent supervision.
3. To promote green finance and impact investment, supporting environmental friendly and innovative businesses.
4. To build synergies when dealing with multiple environmental issues through Nature-based Solutions (NbS). Adopt a “NO LOSS” goal for the most carbon-dense, high biodiversity ecosystems including explicit attention to primary forests, peat forests, mangroves and other coastal ecosystems.
5. To strengthen pollution information disclosure and environmental data sharing in the digital era.

The last but not the least, SEE values the fundamental role played by UNEP in mobilizing private sector resources, building the link between environmental science and policy, and advancing global environmental governance. We therefore strongly support the work of the Science-Policy-Business Forum and the Global Environment Outlook. As a member of Major Groups and Stakeholders in the Asia-Pacific region, we will continue to support UNEP's work in China as well as in the rest of the world.

Thank you very much!